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 Sujet du message: gemini spotted
MessagePublié: Mar Mai 23, 2006 11:49 am 
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Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 7:58 pm
Messages: 311
Localisation: grenoble
lsara a ecrit :

I hate the ZHC nerf, but I guess I should examine why they did it...

www.allakhazam.com lists the ToEP as a 3-5% drop (with a sample size of 30,000 kills, on average).

So, lets look at this statistically:

Some notation:
P(T) : the chance of you getting a ToEP this week
P(Dn) : the chance of n ToPEs dropping this week
P(T|Dn) : the chance of you getting a ToEP, if n ToPEs drop this week

The ToEP is a 4% drop off 4 mobs, thus it can drop 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 times in one run.
P(D4) = (0C4)(0.04^4) = 0.0001125
P(D3) = (1C4)(0.96)(0.04^3) = 0.00024576
P(D2) = (2C4)(0.96^2)(0.04^2) = 0.00884736
P(D1) = (3C4)(0.96^3)(0.04) = 0.14155776
P(D0) = (4C4)(0.96^4) = 0.84934656

Now assuming a standard class balance (5 of each class), half the raid are casters that would make use of it. Thus, the chance of you getting one ToEP (not considering a DKP system) is dependant on how many drop:

P(T|D4) = (4)(0.05) = 0.20
P(T|D3) = (3)(0.05) = 0.15
P(T|D2) = (2)(0.05) = 0.10
P(T|D1) = 0.05
P(T|D0) = 0

So your chance of getting a ToEP this week is:

= P(T|D0)*P(D0) + P(T|D1)*P(D1) + P(T|D2)*P(D2) + P(T|D3)*P(D3) + P(T|D4)*P(D4)
= (0) + (0.05)(0.14155776) + (0.10)(0.00884736) + (0.15)(0.00024576) + (0.20)(0.0001125)
= 0.008353764 or 0.84%

Where as, you get a 5% chance every 3 days for a ZHC, giving you an aproximate chance each week of 10%.

So yes, I would agree then, the ToEP is harder to get. fun = (level != 60)? LEVELING : COMPLAINING[/b]

ex nolife en reconversion

petite balade du dimanche : 2500m dénivelés, 55km , 11h...

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MessagePublié: Mar Mai 23, 2006 5:35 pm 
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Inscrit le: Ven Jan 20, 2006 5:42 pm
Messages: 333
Localisation: Strasbourg
lol :twisted: :evil:


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