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 Sujet du message: Patch Notes 2.3
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 10:31 am 
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Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 3:44 pm
Messages: 875
Encore personne pour parler de l'énooooooorme (cmb) liste de changements de la 2.3?


Anything with a (1) next to it has been updated during the first update, (2) will be the 2nd one ... etc. New updates are posted at the top of each category to make them easier to find

Quote from Blizzard staff

* (1) New daily quests for battlegrounds have been added, they're dedicated to one specific battleground each day, are available to players of all levels, and reward experience, gold, and honor (Source)
* Heroic Badges drop from Zul'aman and Karazhan bosses
* Healing Reduction effects now affect all Drain spells and abilities (i.e. Mortal Strike vs Drain Life)
* Level 20-60 Quest EXP has been increased, while EXP to Level has been decreased
* New Title - Champion of the Naaru: Awarded to those who complete the Tempest Keep attunement quest at level 70
* New Flying Mount added. Requires 2,000g and Exalted with Cenarion Expedition
* New 10-Man Raid - Zul'Aman!
* Guild Banks are being added to the game.
* New relics are added to support all talent trees in patch 2.3 for Shaman, Paladins and Druids. Most of the arena-system existing Relics have been renamed to create a more consistent naming convention (Source)
* +Healing bonus will give 33% of spell damage as well (1500 Healing bonus will give you 500 Spell damage)


* Damage coefficient reduction is removed from Improved Fireball/Frostbolt. (Source)
* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)
* Evocation restores 15% of your total mana every 2 seconds instead of being a spirit-based mana regen increase. (Source)
* Arcane Meditation is being increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration. (Source)
* Ice Barrier gains additional benefit from spell damage bonuses. However, the base absorb values of ranks 5 and 6 have been reduced. (Source)


* New Talent replacing the 2 Handed weapons one - Elemental Focus: Puts you in a "focused state" after landing a melee critical strike, reducing the mana cost of your next Shock spell by 60% (Source)
* All shaman can equip 2-Handed Axes and 2-Handed Maces without spending talent points. (Source)
* Frost shock is no longer subject to diminishing returns. (Source)
* Shamanistic rage also reduces all damages taken by 30% for the duration of the ability (30 seconds) in addition to its current effect. (Source)
* Spirit weapons reduces melee threat by 30% instead of 15%. (Source)
* Mental Quickness adds 10/20/30% to spell damage and healing bonuses based on your total Attack Power in addition to it's current effects. (Source)
* Lightning Overload now has a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to proc
* Lightning Overload damage has been decreased by 50%
* Lightning Overload now causes 0 threat
* Lightning Mastery reduced to .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 seconds
* Mana Spring Totem now restores mana at a rate of 20 mana every 2 seconds
* Water Shield now costs 0 mana to cast, and the mana per globe has been substantially increased
* Water Shield's duration has been reduced to 1 minute, and grants mana for each globe left upon ending
* Elemental Focus will now reduce the mana cost of your next two damage spells by 40%
* Lightning Bolt casting time reduced to 2.5 seconds, and mana cost decreased
* Chain Lightning casting time reduced to 2 seconds, and mana cost decreased


* (1) Many new macro inputs as well as druid 'cancelform' becoming an instant like 'dismount'. (Source)
* Cure Poison and Abolish Poison may now be cast in Tree of Life form
* Remove Curse may now be cast in Moonkin form
* Rebirth cooldown reduced to 20 minutes
* Intensity increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration


* Ritual of Souls has had it's casting time significantly reduced


* (1) Weapon Mastery has been changed to reduce the duration of Disarm effects by 25/50% (Source)
* Mace Specialization proc has been reduced
* Mace Specialization Rage increased to 7
* Tactical Mastery now greatly increases threat from Mortal Strike and Bloodthirst while in Defensive Stance
* Devastate now combines the effects of Sunder Armor into it's effect, and is affected by all talents and items that affect Sunder Armor


* (1) New Dwarf/Draenei ability - Chastise: Causes Holy damage and incapacitates target for 2 seconds
* (1) Fear Ward will now be available to all Priests at level 20
* (1) Fear Ward duration reduced to 3 minutes, and cooldown increased to 3 minutes
* Power Word: Shield gains additional benefit from spell damage and healing bonuses. However the base absorb values for ranks 10, 11, and 12 have been reduced. (Source)
* Pain Suppression is castable on a friendly target, it reduces the target's threat by 5% and reduce the damage it takes by 40%. (Source)
* Pain Suppression cooldown is reduced to 2 minutes. (Source)
* Meditation is increased to 10%/20%/30% Mana regeneration. (Source)
* Prayer of Healing, Circle of Healing and Holy Nova (healing effect) gain additional benefit from damage and healing bonuses. (Source)
* Circle of Healing base amount of healing is reduced, but it gets more bonus from +healing effects. If you have more than +1338 healing you will see it heal for more. (Source)


* Exorcism's mana cost has been lowered
* Holy Wrath's mana cost has been lowered
* Hammer of Wrath's mana cost has been lowered
* Vengeance has been increased to 30 seconds
* Improved Seal of the Crusader effect added to base abilitiy
* Improved Seal of the Crusader now gives the effects of Sanctified Crusader
* New Talent - Sanctified Seals: Increases your chance to critically hit with all spells and melee by 1/2/3%, and reduces the chance your Seals can be dispelled by 33/66/100%
* Crusader Strike cooldown is being lowered to 6 seconds. (Source)


* Fleet Footed increased to 15% speed increase
* Deadly Throw traveling speed is being increased significantly, it will reach your target faster and the snare will last one second longer. (Source)
* Ruthlessness won't be triggered by Deadly Throw anymore, and Ruthlessness will be changed to only affect melee finishing moves as a whole. (Source)
* Blind no longer requires a reagent, is changed to a physical attack, will share the same diminish category as cyclone, and will diminish in PvE as well as PvP. (Source)
* Shadowstep can be used at any time (even when you're not stealthed). After the use of Shadowstep threat caused by the next Ambush, Garrote, or Backstab will be reduced by 50%. The cooldown will be increased to 40 seconds. (Source)
* Dirty Deeds increases the damage of special attacks by 10%/20% against targets that are below 35% health. (Source)


* (1) 20 and 24 Slots ammo pouches have been added (Source)
* Wyvern Sting is now instant cast
* Arcane Shot (Rank 6+) will now dispel 1 Magic effect in addition to damage
* Serpent Sting, Immolation Trap, and Explosive Trap gain additional damage based on Ranged Attack Power


* New Recipe - Field Repair Bot: Dropped(?) by Gan'arg Analyzers in Blade's Edge Mountains
* New Field Repair Bot is able to buy/sell
* Flying Mount added for Engineers. Regular and Epic version.


* Fish Tracking may be learned from a journal, fished from crates
* New fish added near Karazhan and Zul'Aman


* New Daily Quests
* New recipes added for fish found near Karazhan and Zul'Aman.


* (1) Mailboxes are upgraded to handle up to 12 items per mail. (Source)
* (1) Auction House scanning will receive its own API letting you scan the whole AH every 15 minutes with any addon. (Source)
* (1) Many new macro inputs as well as druid 'cancelform' becoming an instant like 'dismount'. (Source)

Connard option flameur recyclé dans l'IRL.

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 10:33 am 
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Inscrit le: Ven Jan 20, 2006 1:58 pm
Messages: 907
Localisation: Suisse
viewtopic.php?t=1175&start=450 (mon dernier post où je parle des ratings d'arène)

gg skanda !

Le Suisse officiel des Lapins de Lumière

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 10:36 am 
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Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 3:44 pm
Messages: 875
ouais bon ta race, ca qualifie pas pour une skandite 8)

Connard option flameur recyclé dans l'IRL.

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 11:38 am 

Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 12:56 pm
Messages: 3753
•Blind will no longer require a reagent. It will also be changed to a ranged physical attack, will share the same diminish category as Cyclone, and diminish in PvE as well as PvP. It will no longer be considered a poison.

It will no longer be considered a poison.

It will no longer be considered a poison.


<XZiBot> Question! Que signififient les initiales P.A.C.A. ?
<Titibo> poitou charente cote d'azur

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 11:48 am 

Inscrit le: Lun Oct 23, 2006 12:12 pm
Messages: 55
+Healing bonus will give 33% of spell damage as well (1500 Healing bonus will give you 500 Spell damage)

J'attends de voir le premier dps qui va vouloir un item heal :P

Lunaast HEAVEN

"L'homme est un loot pour l'homme"

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 11:58 am 
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Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 2:03 pm
Messages: 1477
Localisation: Caen city
ca sera toujours inferieur au +dmg, donc no need, ou alors pour la banque, et pour revendre sur eBay !

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 12:11 pm 
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Inscrit le: Sam Août 27, 2005 6:18 pm
Messages: 2327
Perso je vais kiffer quand jvais aller Alterac en T6 avec 1K +dmg.

Naskah, Guild Leader Lapins

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 12:18 pm 

Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 12:56 pm
Messages: 3753
ui ce sera plus facile pour les harpies

<XZiBot> Question! Que signififient les initiales P.A.C.A. ?
<Titibo> poitou charente cote d'azur

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 12:30 pm 
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Inscrit le: Ven Jan 20, 2006 1:58 pm
Messages: 907
Localisation: Suisse
Naxo a écrit:
Perso je vais kiffer quand jvais aller Alterac en T6 avec 1K +dmg.

Tu penses arriver à avoir 3'000 healpower? :P

Le Suisse officiel des Lapins de Lumière

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 12:31 pm 
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Inscrit le: Mer Jan 03, 2007 5:00 am
Messages: 53
Localisation: Saint Nazaire
* (1) New Dwarf/Draenei ability - Chastise: Causes Holy damage and incapacitates target for 2 seconds
* (1) Fear Ward will now be available to all Priests at level 20

En gros pour le pillage de notre antifear on gagne un stun de 2sec ?

Need du T6 !!

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 12:38 pm 
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Inscrit le: Ven Jan 20, 2006 1:58 pm
Messages: 907
Localisation: Suisse
Ultay a écrit:
* (1) New Dwarf/Draenei ability - Chastise: Causes Holy damage and incapacitates target for 2 seconds
* (1) Fear Ward will now be available to all Priests at level 20

En gros pour le pillage de notre antifear on gagne un stun de 2sec ?

Ouai mais ca fait des dégats aussi ! :lol:

Le Suisse officiel des Lapins de Lumière

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 12:39 pm 
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Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 3:10 pm
Messages: 1148
ThePunisher a écrit:
Naxo a écrit:
Perso je vais kiffer quand jvais aller Alterac en T6 avec 1K +dmg.

Tu penses arriver à avoir 3'000 healpower? :P

J'ai vu sur l'armurie un paladin avec 2400 healpower unbuff...

[b]Porn Leader Lapin.[/b]

<@RaB-Naxo> jusque là les mecs membrés c'est bien

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 12:46 pm 
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Inscrit le: Sam Août 27, 2005 6:18 pm
Messages: 2327
On a ~250 de base avec nos talents (pourcentage de l'inté).
Après avoir 2250 heal power oui ça je pense y arriver =]

Naskah, Guild Leader Lapins

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 12:52 pm 
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Inscrit le: Sam Jan 21, 2006 1:32 pm
Messages: 624
Localisation: Paris 17

* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)
* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)
* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)
* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)
* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)
* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)
* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)
* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)
* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)
* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)
* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)
* New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)

Bobshrak, Ditch Leader Lapins

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 12:53 pm 
Site Admin
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Inscrit le: Sam Août 27, 2005 6:18 pm
Messages: 2327
Ouais mais y'a toujours pas de puits d'Amplify Magic :(

Naskah, Guild Leader Lapins

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