Les Lapins de Lumière / Rabbits are Beasts

I'am a Murlock
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Auteur:  borggir [ Mer Juil 18, 2007 8:31 am ]
Sujet du message:  I'am a Murlock

Le groupe Tauren Chieftain revient (et prend 10 niveau au passage). Aprés le trés explosif Power of the Horde (l'ending de War3) voila l'hymne à la gloire des Murlock ?!!?! XD Rwlrwlrwlrwlrwl

http://media.worldofwarcraft.com/blizzc ... Murloc.mp3


From the coast of Westfall
To Black Fathom Deeps
Silent I'll hunt you
Silent I will creep
Gliding through the depths
Gliding to your death
Upon the shore I rise
Hold my flippers to the skies

I am more than a fish
I am more than a man
Death will rise from the tide
I am Murloc
I am king of the sea
But I'm not Aquaman
Death will rise
Hear our cry
I am Murloc

Hunter of the tides
I will end your life
Mourn your fallen brave
Sleep in a sunken grave
Fell the deadly fin
My nets drag you in
Bloodstained sand and gore
All that's left upon the shore
RwlRwlRwlRwl RwlRwlRwlRwl

I am more than a fish
I am more than a man
Death will rise from the tide
I am Murloc
I am king of the sea
But I'm not Aquaman
Death will rise
Hear our cry
I am Murloc

Empty eyes never blinking
Armored scales but never sinking
Puddle jumper,the Coastal Runner
Call me the Tide Hunter
Raise your flippers to the sky
RwlRwlRwlRwl RwlRwlRwlRwl

I am more than a fish
I am more than a man
Death will rise from the tide
I am Murloc
I am king of the sea
But I'm not Aquaman
Death will rise
Hear our cry
I am Murloc

Auteur:  Byakugan [ Mer Juil 18, 2007 9:58 am ]
Sujet du message: 

pérav', padrol

Auteur:  Naxo [ Mer Juil 18, 2007 11:28 am ]
Sujet du message: 

A noter l'apparition de Roly en guest-star as "Aquaman".

Auteur:  Roly [ Mer Juil 18, 2007 4:41 pm ]
Sujet du message: 

Il a pas de moustache.

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