Les Lapins de Lumière / Rabbits are Beasts

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 Sujet du message: Prochaine extension !
MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 8:13 am 
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Inscrit le: Sam Août 27, 2005 6:18 pm
Messages: 2327
La Blizzcon arrive, commençons les spéculations et les rumeurs avant d'en savoir plus ce week end !

Déjà la seule information sûre qu'on a: la prochaine extension s'appellera Wrath of the Lich King. On peut supposer que ça se passera à Northrend, au hasard. Ou alors c'est un beau canular de Blizzard pour faire croire que c'est Northrend lol §


Après, les rumeurs les plus persistantes parlent d'un level cap à 75 et d'une nouvelle classe: le Death Knight, mais ce ne sont que des rumeurs (vraies ou fausses).

Rappel: la Blizzcon commence vendredi soir.

Naskah, Guild Leader Lapins

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 9:01 am 
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Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 2:46 pm
Messages: 1317
Localisation: Paris
Naxocon loul.

(btw, 8h13 : geek)

Pamelah | Démoniste - Lapins De Lumière
( +ZulQuizz ) Numéro du département : Tarn-et-Garonne
( +AnTiX ) 75

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 9:16 am 
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Inscrit le: Mar Juin 20, 2006 9:18 am
Messages: 484
Ce serait etonnant de voir le Chevalier de la Mort en tant que classe de personnage car c'est bel et bien un truc 100% Fleau qui n'as rien a voir avec l'Alliance ou la Horde.

Mais bon on sait jamais, ce sera pas la premiére pirouette scenaristique de Blizzard, il ont bien fait le Troll mage et l'Elfe de sang Paladin donc ...

"Sache, ô prince, qu'entre les années où les océans engloutirent Zin-Azshari et ses palais mordorés et l’avènement du fils de Llane, il y eut un Âge de Rêve. Alors, tel le manteau bleuté des étoiles, des royaumes resplendissants s'étendaient de par le monde - Tirisfall, Stromgarde, la grande Kalimdor et ses terres encore vierge, Quel’thalas avec ses femmes aux chevelures dorées et ses tours arachnéennes aux sombres mystères, Stormwind et sa chevalerie, Alterac en bordure des pâturages de l’Hinterland, Silithus et ses temples gardées par les ombres, Lordaeron dont les cavaliers étaient vêtus d'acier, de soie et d'or. Mais le plus fier de tous était le Khaz Modan dont la suprématie était sans égale dans les Royaume de l’Est aux rêves étincelants. Alors vint les Stormhammer, fils de Khaz à la barbes anciennes, aux regards sombres, un marteau à la main, vengeurs, guerriers, forgerons, avec leurs mélancolies et leurs joies démesurées, prêt à piétiner de leurs bottes les trônes infernaux d’Azeroth."

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 9:21 am 
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Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 3:44 pm
Messages: 875
easy: les gnomes ont capturé un death knight et ils l'utilisent pour pomper ses pouvoirs.


Connard option flameur recyclé dans l'IRL.

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 9:28 am 
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Inscrit le: Sam Août 27, 2005 6:18 pm
Messages: 2327
J'ai vu ce matin un mec qui répondait à ça en disant que dans Frozen Throne y'a eu un (et le seul) Death Knight de l'Alliance dont j'ai totalement pas retenu le nom. Mais perso comme tout le monde ça me surprend parce que je vois pas tellement de place dans le gameplay pour une autre classe, ni le besoin, et niveau équilibre c'est déjà bien coton. Need des nouvelles races avec des seins plutôt.

Naskah, Guild Leader Lapins

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 11:16 am 
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Inscrit le: Mar Juin 20, 2006 9:18 am
Messages: 484
/background on

Ben en fait ya deux type de Chevalier de la mort : Ceux créé par Gul'dan et ceux du Fleau.
Ceux de Guld'an sont quasiement disparut, c'etait des chevaliers de Stormwind rappelés à la vie par les demonistes de la horde (durant War 2). Le plus grand d'entre eux etait Teron Gorefiend, que l'on pouvait jouer a War2 et qui est un boss du Temple noir dans wow.
C'est lui que l'on fait revenir dans la quete d'ombrelune ou il faut chopper la cape, le plastron et l'arme (quete de groupe qui commence a l'autel des ombres).

Les chevaliers de la mort du fleau c'est des chevaliers dechus de l'ordre de la main d'argent qui ont donner leur vie pour le roi liche. A part les incontournable boss de Naxxramas/Stratholme/Scholomance, le plus celebre d'entre eux est (a par Arthas biens sur...) le Baron Perenolde qui etait le roi d'Altherac et qui vendit son pays à la horde de Doomhammer, par la suite il donna sa vie au roi liche pour gagner en puissance.

Ensuite au niveau skill, les chevaliers de la mort possedent des pouvoirs d'ombre et de mort (et certain de feu comme Mograine, mais c'est rare). Le domaine de la mort est le seul qui n'est pas accessible aux classes de wow, les demonsites ont le seul sort de mort disponible (voile mortel) qui est un effet d'ombre dans le jeu mais qui devrait etre un effet de mort. En fait blizzard a jamais mit le domaine car ca alourdirait le jeu. De plus la 3em classe d'arcaniste, le necromant, est la proprieté exclusive du fleau.

/background off

"Sache, ô prince, qu'entre les années où les océans engloutirent Zin-Azshari et ses palais mordorés et l’avènement du fils de Llane, il y eut un Âge de Rêve. Alors, tel le manteau bleuté des étoiles, des royaumes resplendissants s'étendaient de par le monde - Tirisfall, Stromgarde, la grande Kalimdor et ses terres encore vierge, Quel’thalas avec ses femmes aux chevelures dorées et ses tours arachnéennes aux sombres mystères, Stormwind et sa chevalerie, Alterac en bordure des pâturages de l’Hinterland, Silithus et ses temples gardées par les ombres, Lordaeron dont les cavaliers étaient vêtus d'acier, de soie et d'or. Mais le plus fier de tous était le Khaz Modan dont la suprématie était sans égale dans les Royaume de l’Est aux rêves étincelants. Alors vint les Stormhammer, fils de Khaz à la barbes anciennes, aux regards sombres, un marteau à la main, vengeurs, guerriers, forgerons, avec leurs mélancolies et leurs joies démesurées, prêt à piétiner de leurs bottes les trônes infernaux d’Azeroth."

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 11:24 am 
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Inscrit le: Ven Fév 10, 2006 11:10 pm
Messages: 1288
oh oui plein de nouvelles infos !§

sKanda Mage 90 - Kael'Thas Eu Alliance.

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 11:27 am 

Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 12:56 pm
Messages: 3753

death & decay, DC ++ !

<XZiBot> Question! Que signififient les initiales P.A.C.A. ?
<Titibo> poitou charente cote d'azur

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 2:17 pm 
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Inscrit le: Mar Juin 20, 2006 9:18 am
Messages: 484

Azjol Nerub

The Borean Thundra

Pour les noob du background, Malygos c'est l'aspect du vol bleu (comme Deathwing avec le vol noir et Alexstraza avec le rouge)

The Crystalsong Forest

The Dragonblight

The Grizzly Hills

The Howling Fjord

The Icecrown Glacier

The Storm Peaks

Zul Drak

"Sache, ô prince, qu'entre les années où les océans engloutirent Zin-Azshari et ses palais mordorés et l’avènement du fils de Llane, il y eut un Âge de Rêve. Alors, tel le manteau bleuté des étoiles, des royaumes resplendissants s'étendaient de par le monde - Tirisfall, Stromgarde, la grande Kalimdor et ses terres encore vierge, Quel’thalas avec ses femmes aux chevelures dorées et ses tours arachnéennes aux sombres mystères, Stormwind et sa chevalerie, Alterac en bordure des pâturages de l’Hinterland, Silithus et ses temples gardées par les ombres, Lordaeron dont les cavaliers étaient vêtus d'acier, de soie et d'or. Mais le plus fier de tous était le Khaz Modan dont la suprématie était sans égale dans les Royaume de l’Est aux rêves étincelants. Alors vint les Stormhammer, fils de Khaz à la barbes anciennes, aux regards sombres, un marteau à la main, vengeurs, guerriers, forgerons, avec leurs mélancolies et leurs joies démesurées, prêt à piétiner de leurs bottes les trônes infernaux d’Azeroth."

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 3:11 pm 
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Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 3:44 pm
Messages: 875
Tons of informations were released on an internal source during the night. Probably to let most of the GM know what's going on.

WoWszene.de got the full text available.

* The expansion is Northrend, etc, etc.
* We will fight Arthas himself.
* Level cap is 80 (New skills, new talents, etc)
* The expansion is designed for lvl 68 and higher players.
* The Death Knight class will be available for both alliance and horde players and it seems to work on the same mechanics as Jedi in SWG, you can create them once certain criteria are met. (First hero class of the game)
* The Death Knight will combine damage dealing and tanking.
* Siege weapons and destructible buildings will be added to PvP
* A new battleground will be available
* New profession : Inscription. (allows the player to permanently enhance their spells and abilities and to create mysterious items of power to use, trade, and sell.)
* More hero classes will be added in the future
* Leveling from 70 to 80 should took nearly the same time as 60 to 70 (probably a bit more)
* First zone will be Howling Fjord
* We should have roughly the same amount of dungeons as BC

For more details, check wowszene.de

Of course, these informations aren't officialy from Blizzard, and you should trust them only if you're stupid/intelligent enough to trust this site. (Probability this is real : 70%, according to our fake-o-meter)

Connard option flameur recyclé dans l'IRL.

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 3:28 pm 

Inscrit le: Lun Oct 23, 2006 12:12 pm
Messages: 55
Vous reprendrez bien un petit fake pour la route:

World of Warcraft : The Dark Vengeance

- New Map - Northrend - 8 Zones level 68 - 82
- New 25 man Battleground - Sholazar Basin. This battleground includes siege weapons such as Balistas and Orcish Catapults.
- Ice Crown Citadel - 25 man raid dungeon
- New 5 man Free for all battleground available alongside Sholzar Basin. Four groups of 5 teams battle for supremacy over the map. Will brute force or crude negotiation skills win the battle ?
- New Alliance race - Furbolg
- New Horde Race - Tuskar
- Character level increased to 80.
- Professions available to 425
- Guild housing available
- Instance Talent Tree. At level 72 a quest becomes available that lets you unlock what is called a Instance tree. The trainer will let you create another build through talents which you can activate only once you enter an instance or BG. You instance tree becomes available when you zone in, when you zone out your standard talent tree is available. Each time you level you gain 2 skillspoints, one for each tree. Each tree can be respecced individually at a cost.
- Water mount available in Northerend through a series of quests and also rep rewards. This mount provides underwater breathing when below the surface and also moves at a faster speed.
- Thor Modan Fishing Expedition - Once player gain a notable repuation with the Thor Modan dwarfs and have a suitable fishing level, the Thor Modan dwarfs will invite you to join their Northrend fishing expedition aboard their study dwarfen fishing ship. The boat leaves once every few days and many lucrative fish can be caught, prizes to be won and rare treasure to be fished up.
- Barbershop available in Kaskala and Valgarde which allows players to modify their hair style and color. Facial hair also can be modified if applicable. All this for a cost.
- Once player reaches the maximum level (80), their ingame avatar will increase in size by roughly 15%
- New Arena available in Uldurer
- New Player vs Enemy instance available in The Nexus. Join forces along with hundreds of NPC's who rush against towers and enemy NPC's to destory the enemy fortress. Ally with your comrades, or choose to play solo, many different play styles are available in this new style instance never seen before in Warcraft. No complex raid boss dynamics, play at your leasure and earn the rewards you get with reputations.
- New Epic flying mounts available in Northerend
- Mercenaries available for hire. Once you have four people in your group you will be able to hire a mercenary from a nearby town. This mercenary takes up the 5th group slot and is controlled by the leader of the group as a pet. The four mercanries available.
- Warrior style tank
- Rogue style melee dps
- Priest style healer
- Mage style dps
These mercenaries share all coin drops however rare loot is passed on. These mercanaries are approx. 70% as effective as your standard classes.
- New Profession - Treecutter - Gathers lumber and can refine them at a lumber yard located around azeroth, outlands and northerend.
- New Profession - Woodworker - Creates shields, wans, staves and also furniture used to decorate guild housing.
- Many new and existing Blacksmithing and engineering items use materials garthered from treecutting.
- Web interface for the auction house. Each server and faction auction house will be available online via the worldofwarcraft.com website. This feature is unavailable for the neutral AH. Players will be able to log in and place bids/browse existing auctions in real time using their character over the web. New Auctions can only be created ingame.

Sinon en français dans le texte:

http://www.clubic.com/actualite-77646-w ... n-wow.html

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 3:39 pm 
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Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 3:44 pm
Messages: 875
Les vrais hommes ne leak par sur clubic mais sur un obscure site allemand!

More Wotlk (Wrath of the Lich King) leaked infos by WoWszene.de

WoWszene.de came up with a massive amount of leaked infos on the next WoW Addon: Wrath of the Lich King

We asked to WoWszene.de the permission to post the translation (thanks MyM|Leniya) of the german part of their article ; there it is:

WoW-Szene.de presents you the most important contents about the new addon by Blizzard- World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. Last night you could see those informations shortly on an underpage of the officially EU-WoW Website and got confirmed to WoW-Szene.de by other sources, among others the official FAQ to WotLK.

What to expect from the Expansion :

*It is going to Northrend! With level 80 and new abilities! If some Objects are achieved, you can create a new Character. The Death Knight. He starts straight in High Level Area.
*In PVP there will be finally be the long-ago announced siege weapons available and there will be destroyable buildings, plus a new battleground
*The Deathknight will be a kind of Damage Dealer and at the same time a Tank with so far non existant new abilities. He will be playable by Alliance and Horde, but it will be just certain Races who will have the possibility to create a Death Knight. He is the first Hero class and other will probably come in the following Expansions.

More summaries of the of the FAQs:

* New possibilities of designing your Character.
* You will fight against the Lich King Arthas!
* Leveling from 70 to 80 will take as much time as leveling from 60 to 70.
* Howling Fjord will be the first area you will arrive to. Afterwards there will be areas following like Grizzly Hills and Dragonblight.
* The first Dungeon will be Utgarde Keep. You will be able to enter it at level 70 and it will be a 5-man Instance. 25er Dungeons will still be existant, just as well as Heroic Instances.
* New Profession: Inscription – Enduring amplification of spells and abilities.
* There will be a Cinematic Intro.
* Northrend will be about as big as Outlands.

Other contents like screenshots could sadly not be saved since the page went offline straight.

The complete FAQ with other Informations in English can be read at wowszene.de.

What are the features of the new expansion?

Wrath of the Lich King builds on the rich foundation established in World of Warcraft and The Burning Crusade, providing a wealth of new content for players to explore. The harsh, forbidding continent of Northrend, home of the Lich King and his undead minions, will be uncovered on the world map, and to contend with the new challenges found there, players will be able to advance to level 80, acquiring potent new abilities and talents along the way.

In addition, Wrath of the Lich King will introduce the death knight hero class to World of Warcraft. Once certain criteria are met, players will be able to create a new death knight character, which will start at a high level. Furthermore, player-vs.-player battles will reach a new level of intensity with the addition of siege weapons and destructible buildings, not to mention a new battleground. There will also be an abundance of new quests, dungeons, monsters, items, and recipes -- as well as a new profession, inscription -- for players to try out. The expansion will include some additional character-customization options for players as well. We'll be going into more detail on all of these features in the months ahead.

How will the death knight class fit into the game?

The death knight combines martial prowess with dark, necromantic energies. Players might be familiar with the death knight from previously released Warcraft games -- most recently, in the campaigns for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and the Frozen Throne expansion, the former paladin Arthas became a death knight and wreaked havoc across Azeroth and Northrend before fusing with the spirit of Ner'zhul to become the Lich King. The death knight is the first hero class in World of Warcraft; once certain criteria are met, players will unlock the ability to create a new death knight character, which will begin play at a high experience level. We're currently exploring various options for how the death knight will play and the types of abilities at its disposal, and we'll be revealing more information about this new class as we get further along in development.

Will the death knight have any abilities from previously released Warcraft games?

The way we portrayed death knights in past Warcraft games is certainly a source of inspiration, but we are still determining how best to capture that feel within the mechanics of World of Warcraft, and haven't made any final determinations on specific abilities.

What role will the death knight play in groups and raids?

In general terms, the death knight can be considered a type of class that combines damage dealing and tanking, but naturally it will have an array of unique abilities as well.

What races will be allowed to play death knights?

We haven't yet made a final determination about which races can be death knights. However, the class will be available to both the Alliance and the Horde.

Will there be additional hero classes in the future?

Yes, we do intend to add more hero classes in the future, but right now our focus is on the current expansion.

What is the story background of the expansion?

Players last visited Northrend in the Warcraft III expansion, when Arthas Menethil fused with the spirit of Ner'zhul to become the Lich King, one of the most powerful entities in the Warcraft universe. He now broods atop the Frozen Throne, deep in Icecrown Citadel, clutching the rune blade Frostmourne and marshaling the undead armies of the Scourge. In Wrath of the Lich King, the greatest champions of the Alliance and the Horde will do battle with the Scourge amid Northrend's howling winds and fields of jagged ice, and ultimately face the Lich King himself.

Will players actually get to encounter Arthas himself?

Players will be skirmishing with the minions of Arthas from the moment they set foot on Northrend. He will be a constant presence as players progress through the expansion content -- which will culminate in a showdown with the dread Lich King himself.

Can you discuss some of the new talents and abilities that will be available from level 70 to level 80?

As with character advancement up to level 70, players will gain access to an array of potent and exciting new abilities and talents as they make their way from level 70 to level 80. However, it's still too early to get into specifics on these.

How long will it take to advance from level 70 to level 80?

We were pleased with the pacing from level 60 to level 70 in The Burning Crusade, and we intend to take a similar approach to pacing character advancement in Wrath of the Lich King. However, the specific amount of time that it will take players to reach level 80 will vary widely based on play style.

What can you reveal about Northrend?

The first area of Northrend we're showcasing is the Howling Fjord, a region of grasslands overlooking massive cliffs at the southeastern edge of the continent. This, along with the Borean Tundra, is the front line of the war against Arthas, and players will come face to face with his minions as soon as they set foot on Northrend. Eventually, as players progress further, they will explore the Grizzly Hills, Dragonblight, and more. We'll be showing off some of these new areas in the months ahead.

What's the level requirement to enter Northrend?

Players of any level who have purchased the expansion can visit Northrend. However, all of the content is designed for players level 68 and up.

How many new dungeons will be in the expansion?

The first dungeon players will enter is Utgarde Keep, which is intended for five players around level 70. Utgarde is inhabited by the Vrykul, a Viking-like race bent on proving their strength to the Lich King, who will raise the most worthy of their warriors to serve him beyond the grave. We intend to provide a variety of dungeons comparable to that in The Burning Crusade and will be revealing more details about some of these in the months ahead.

Do you plan to continue with the 25-player model for raids?

Yes, we've been pleased with the tactics, intensity, and variety of the 25-player raid model, and plan to continue with it.

In what ways will players be able to further customize their characters in the expansion?

In addition to the numerous new character-customization options that will be available with all of the new weapons and armor added by the expansion, we'll be offering some fun ways to alter both existing and new characters with regard to dances and hairstyles, but we're not ready to go into more detail just yet.

What can you reveal about the new profession coming with the expansion?

Inscription allows the player to permanently enhance their spells and abilities and to create mysterious items of power to use, trade, and sell.

What can players expect with regard to player-vs.-player combat in the expansion?

Players will be able to take control of siege weapons and use them to destroy opposing buildings, adding a new layer of complexity to PvP battles. Naturally, we'll be providing some fun places to put these new tools to good use, and we'll be revealing more information about them in the months ahead, in addition to the new battleground content being added.

Can you give a sneak peek at the new recipes and items in the expansion?

There will be hundreds of new recipes and thousands of new items available, but we're not ready to discuss specific examples just yet.

Will there be any graphical enhancements?

There will be hundreds of new recipes and thousands of new items available, but we're not ready to discuss specific examples just yet.

How many zones will be in the expansion?

Northrend will be roughly equivalent to Outland in terms of size and scope.

Will there be any new cinematic scenes?

Yes, our cinematics department is hard at work preparing a new intro movie for the expansion.


Do you need to own the expansion to play with friends who have it?

There will be many aspects of the expansion that will be available to all players. However, in order to experience certain content, such as Northrend, or be able to play as a death knight, players must purchase the expansion.

Will there be an open beta test of the expansion?

We have not yet determined whether the expansion will require an open beta test. If we do decide to conduct a beta test, details will be posted on the official World of Warcraft website once we've gotten further along in the development process.

When will the expansion be released? How much will it cost?

We have not yet announced a release date for the expansion set. However, we expect to announce further details, including the release date and price, on our community website in the months ahead. Please stay tuned to [link] for more information.

Will there be a collector's edition?

We have not yet made any determination about whether there will be a collector's edition of Wrath of the Lich King. We'll be announcing details such as this closer to release.

Will a Mac version be available simultaneously with the PC version?

Yes. As with all of our games, Wrath of the Lich King will be compatible with and optimized for both the Windows and Macintosh platforms.

What are the system requirements?

We'll continue to ensure that the game is playable on a wide range of hardware. However, we have not made a final determination on the system requirements as yet.

Will the expansion be released globally at the same time?

We recognize that players throughout the world will be eager to experience all of the new content being added with Wrath of the Lich King, and we will make every effort to release the expansion simultaneously worldwide. However, there's always the possibility that unforeseen circumstances could delay the launch in any given region. We'll share the launch timing with players in each region as soon as the plans have been finalized.

What is the ESRB rating for the expansion?

The expansion has not yet been rated by the ESRB. However, we anticipate that it will receive the same rating that the original World of Warcraft received -- "Teen."

Connard option flameur recyclé dans l'IRL.

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 5:12 pm 
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Inscrit le: Ven Jan 20, 2006 4:23 am
Messages: 434
De toute façon je jouerais soit à Fury, soit à Hellgate:London, soit à AoC, soit à WAR.

Wow pourrait arriver en 10 ou 15eme position du classement (je suis trop un mec sympa !), à moins d'une refonte complète de chez complète du gameplay et de tout.

Freki Guerrière 60.
Valerius Paladin 70.

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 5:22 pm 
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Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 1:12 pm
Messages: 1319
Moi au final je me rends compte que y'a que tf2 en multi qui pourra me faire bouger. Et encore va falloir que je convaincs naxo de tuer wow avant de le faire migrer sur mon nouveau jeu.

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 01, 2007 5:27 pm 
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Inscrit le: Jeu Jan 19, 2006 6:54 pm
Messages: 2376
Localisation: Paris
Borggir tu rox !! <3

(on verra peut-être des magnataur !)
(et p't-être une nouvelle réputation furbolg à monter !)


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